What Is a Defined-Benefit Plan?

A defined-benefit plan, commonly known as a traditional pension plan, is a retirement plan funded by an employer that calculates employee benefits based on a formula that takes into account several factors, including age, employee’s salary, and length of employment. Defined-benefit pension plans, which still exist in some public-sector jobs, were common in the private … Read more

CD vs. High-Yield Savings: What’s the Difference?

If you can’t accept the risks of the stock market, you need to decide on the best place to keep your money while maximizing earnings. Many look to high-yield savings accounts (HYSAs) and certificates of deposit (CDs) as options. Both offer safe and somewhat lucrative ways to grow savings with minimal risk. But which is … Read more

How to Get Renters Insurance in 4 Easy Steps

According to a recent report by SafeHome.org, about 55% of renters have insurance. However, a survey from the report finds that 16% of renters who don’t have a policy say they are likely to buy one in the coming 12 months. If you’re buying renter’s insurance for the first time, you may be relieved to … Read more